Scheme and Records of Work: Implication for Subject Teachers

The teacher is a very important person in curriculum development and implementation. Curriculum includes all the experiences learners are exposed to in the school and by the school. It include both classroom learning activities and other activities carried out outside the classroom (co-curricular activities), but approved and controlled by the school. When a curriculum is said to be a spiral curriculum it means that the topics in the curriculum re-occur at different class levels. The scheme and record of work is needed for effective curriculum implementation. The scheme of work is usually prepared by one or more teachers teaching the same subject in the school. Unlike the syllabus, the scheme of work is not rigid but flexible. The major sources of information for scheme of work among others include Curriculum, Syllabus, Textbooks and Environment. Entering weekly work done is done at the end of the week that is the last day school opened. Always refer to the Teachers’ Guide, curriculum and syllabus to help you teach your subject effectively. Your students/pupil will love you for teaching them well.

Keywords: Curriculum, Syllabus, Scheme of Work, Unit of Work and Lesson Plan, weekly record of work, operational objectives, work actually done, content

Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation

Ellah PhD, Barnabas Obiaje, Scheme and Records of Work: Implication for Subject Teachers (January 24, 2018). 2018 Capacity Building Workshop for Teachers at the Upper Room Education Center, Wadata, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria, January 24, Available at SSRN:

Barnabas Obiaje Ellah PhD (Contact Author)

Department of Science and Mathematics Education, Benue State University Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria ( email )

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