Arizona Divorce Roadmap: What To Expect Once You or Your Spouse Files for Divorce

Divorce Roadmap

Getting divorced in Arizona is a process—and it is a process that can be difficult and stressful if you don’t know what to expect along the way. Fortunately, help is available, and there are resources you can use to learn what to expect and what you need to do to prepare. Knowing what comes next is essential if you are considering filing for divorce (or if your spouse has filed for divorce). With this in mind, we’ve prepared an Arizona divorce roadmap covering the critical steps to ending your marriage.

Our Arizona Divorce Roadmap: An Overview of the Divorce Process

In Arizona, getting divorced involves going through a series of steps. While individual circumstances vary, the major efforts in ending a marriage remain the same. Some of these steps are practical, and some are required under Arizona law. But all of them are essential for ensuring that you make informed decisions, do what is necessary, and feel confident in the outcome once your divorce is final. With this in mind, here is an overview of the divorce process in Arizona:

1. Getting Ready for Your Divorce