How do I run the Assignment Status Report in Editorial Manager?

The Assignment Status Report displays all submissions in the review cycle, between the time the Editor is assigned, and the Author is notified of the decision. The report can be run for all Editors or for a specific Editor, and further limited by Article Type and/or Section/Category. Results are returned in a table from which the Editor can send out Editor Reminders if so desired. See a screenshot of the Assignment Status Report .

Please note that some Editors with permission to run this report may be restricted to only see their own assignments, or only those they personally assigned to subordinate Editors. Editors running this report will never see submissions for which they have been blinded.

This report includes all papers currently assigned to editors, not matter the status. To more quickly send reminders for only papers newly assigned to editors that have no invited reviewers, or only for submission ready for decision, see 'How can I send reminders to other editors in Editorial Manager?' for similar reports limited by current status.

  1. From the main menu move down to the ‘Administrative Functions’ at the bottom of the screen and click on reports If there is no such link, then you have no permission to run reports.
  2. Under the ‘Editor Reports’ heading, choose ‘Assignment Status Report’.
  3. Depending on the requirement, select the handling editor parameter by name, by editor role, or leave it set to ‘All Editors’.
  4. You may further refine your results by Article Type and/or Section set by choosing one or more values in the selection lists .
  5. Click on the tick box ’Create extraction datafile for download’, then click on ‘Submit’ to run the report as in this screenshot .
  6. The report is interactive, you can:
  7. To Download the report for offline reference, click on the link at the top of the page .

If the report results are not what you expected, you can select the “Back to Assignment Status Report” at the bottom to return to the report parameters and make adjustments.

You can use this report to send editor reminders (note that the option appears only if you have permission to remind editors). Reminders sent via this report go to the current handling editor, that is the most recently assigned editor who has not already made a decision.

  1. Tick the ‘Send Reminder’ box at the right for any submission(s) where you wish to remind the current handling editor.
  2. Click on the ‘Send Reminders’ button at the bottom of the page .
  3. If the journal has more than one Editor Reminder Letter you can select a template . The dropdown will be missing for journals with only one such letter.
  4. Either click on ‘Send Reminders’ to send the template as is, or else click on ‘Customize Letter’ to preview or edit the text of the letter for one or more editors.
  5. If you chose to customize, see the screenshot .

The search results display all submissions in the review cycle, between the time the Editor is assigned, and the Author is notified of the decision. This includes statuses of “With editor”, “under review” “Required reviews complete” and “decision in process” (these are the default status terms, some journals may customize the exact wording of status terms)

If the role of the editor running the report is restricted to “own assignments” then the report will only include submissions will only include submissions that editor has personally been assigned to or has been the one performing the assignments. It will not include submission where that editor has no existing relationship. If you have any questions about the editor role permissions for your journal please contact your Journal Manager or other support contact.

If the editor running the report has been blinded to any submissions, for example because they are a co-author, then that submission will be hidden from the report.

By running the Assignment Status Report, editors can:

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