Handbook of Automotive Design Analysis

Handbook of Automotive Design Analysis

Handbook of Automotive Design Analysis examines promising approaches to automotive design analysis. The discussions are organized based on the major “technological divisions” of motor vehicles: the transmission gearbox and drive line; steering and suspension; and the automobile structure. This handbook is comprised of three chapters; the first of which deals with transmission gearboxes and drive lines. This chapter describes manual-shift gearbox design, synchromesh mechanisms, hydrokinetic automatic gearboxes, drive-line main assemblies, and drive-line losses. The next chapter is about vehicle suspensions and optimum handling performance, with emphasis on two categories of handling of vehicles: steady-state turning (or cornering) and the transient state. The behavior of the steering system, ride parameters, and the design and installation of spring elements are discussed. The third and final chapter focuses on the application of structural design analysis to the automotive structure. After explaining the fundamentals of structural theory in car body design, this book presents the analysis of commercial vehicle body and chassis. Throughout the book, maximum use is made of line-drawings and concise textural presentation to provide the working designer with an easy assimilable account of automotive design analysis. This book will be useful to young automotive engineers and newcomers in automotive design.

Table of contents

Chapter One Transmission Gearboxes and Drive Live

Acknowledgment to Sponsor and Introduction

A. Manual-Shift Gearbox Design

(Speed Ratio Optimization, Configurational Constraints, Load Capacity of Gear Teeth, Bearing Load Calculation)

B. Synchro Mesh Mechanisms

(Categories, Torque Calculation, Heat-Rating, Failure Modes)

C. Hydrokinetic Automatic Gearboxes

(Fluid-Coupling/Torque-Converter Comparison, Performance Evaluation and Blade Design, Converter and Gearbox in Combination/Epicyclic Gear-Train Analysis)

D. Drive-Line Main Assemblies

Section One: Diaphragm-Spring Clutch Design

Section Two: Clutch Engagement Characteristics

Section Three: Design Calculations for Drive Axles

Section Four: Final Drive Analysis

Section Five: Final Drive Bearings

E. Drive-Line Losses: Drag and Vibration

Section One: Tire Rolling Resistance

Section Two : Drive-Line Vibration

Section Three: Brake design

Section Four: Road Wheel Design

Chapter Two Vehicle Suspensions: Handling and Ride

Acknowledgment to Sponsor and Introduction

A. Steady-State Turns

Section One: Analytical Methods for Steady-State Handling

Section Two: Case Study: Analysis of a Current Production Car

B. The Transient Stage in Handling

Section One: The Traditional Approach

Section Two: Present-Day Analysis of Vehicle Transient Responses

Section Three: Suspension Geometry and Vehicle Handling

C. Behavior of the Steering System

Section One: Forces in Steering Linkages

Section Two: Steering Oscillations

D. Ride Parameters

Section One: Ergonomic Distinction Between Ride and Handling

Section Two: The Traditional Approach and Ride Fundamentals

Section Three: Recent Refinements in Evaluating Ride Parameters

Appendix 1: Determining Ride Parameters by a Vector Method

Appendix 2: Chassis-Frame Beaming Vibration

Section Four: Ride Evaluation in the Design Office

E. Spring-Element Design and Installation

Section One: Laminated Suspension Springs

Section Two: Use of Rubber as a Suspension Medium

Section Three: Air Springing

Section Four: Oleo-Pneumatics

Chapter Three the Automotive Structure

Acknowledgment to Sponsor

Introduction: The Economic Case for Light Alloy Construction and Consideration of Sandwich Construction

A. Fundamentals of Structural Theory in Car Body Design

Section One: Virtual Work-The Unit Load Theorem Applied to Pin-Jointed Frames and Continuum Structures

Section Two: Bending Theory—Equation of Flexure, Moment Distribution, Instability and Plastic Collapse

Section Three: Structural Idealization-Simplification of Complete Body Shells for Analysis and Shear Flow Distribution in Box Beams

Section Four: Recent Trends Analysis in Car Body

Section Five: Computerized Body Design

Section Six: Matrix Methods for Structural Vibration Analysis

B. Commercial Vehicle Body and Chassis Analysis

Section One: Analysis of Chassis Torsional Stiffness

Section Two: The Van Body as an Idealized Box Beam

Section Three: The Argyris Force Method of Structural Analysis Explained

Section Four: Idealization of the Structure of a Semi-Trailer Van

Section Five: Solution by Digital Computer of a Semi-Trailer Box-Van Analysis

Appendix: Determining Degree of Structural Redundancy