Enrollment Process

Step 1: Student address, phone number and email address.

(Parent/Guardian needed for Step 2 Part E)

Step 2 Part A: Complete all required areas.

***Choose ACE as the "program" and confirm your choice of "ACE" a second time.

Step 2 Part B: Read only-nothing to submit

Step 2 Part C: Complete required areas

Step 2 Part D: Short essay answer enter into “entry” box

Step 2 Part E: Student and Parent/Guardian Type Signatures

Step 2 Part F: Answer required area. Download OCC High School Dual Enrollment form. Student and parent complete and sign Part 1. High school counselor or administrator completes Part 2. Email completed forms to amanda.mckay@oakland.k12.mi.us.

Step 3: Enter one primary contact which will be a parent or guardian including phone number and email address.

Step 4: Enter emergency contact information.

Step 5: Click submit application.

STEP 2: Complete OCC Application

Tips for completing OCC Application