Email Examples

Communication is the KEY, everybody knows that. Sending the right information to your students will significantly decrease incoming “I’ve got a question” emails, thus saving you the precious time.

To help you tailor your email templates, have a look below to get some inspiration. These serve as examples, make sure to adjust it to your needs.

User Registration Email

Registration Overview Email

Dear [name] [surname],

Thank you for your registration to [wave_title].
You have made a registration to the following course(s):


We are now processing your registration. As soon as you are accepted to any of the above courses, you will receive a Confirmation email with payment info. You do not need to pay before you are confirmed.

Registration with a partner
If you have registered with a partner, you will only be confirmed to your course when your partner has also registered and put you as their partner.

Registration without a partner
If you have registered without a partner, the system will confirm you as soon as it can pair your registration with a person of the opposite role.

Solo Class Registration
If you have registered to a solo class, you should get confirmed immediately, unless the course is sold out.

Visit your registration profile
You can check your registrations by logging in to your personal profile on our website.
Your username is your email and you were mailed a unique password the very first time you registered with us. If you forgot the password, click “Forgot password?” below the login form.

Thank you for registering to our courses and see you in class!


Course Confirmation Email

Your registration is now accepted!
Congratulations, you have been confirmed to [course_title].

The course begins on [course_day] the [course_from] at [course_time_from]. The course runs seven weeks with the last day of this course being the [course_to]. You have registered as a [dancing_as] participant.

The course takes place in SuperCoolDance, at [hall_name] on [hall_address].

Payment information
Please note that your booking is only final when we have received your payment.

Your price for the course: [floating_price]
You must pay with a bank transfer to our bank account: [bank_account]
Important : Please make sure to add the following variable symbol: [vs_symbol]

Please note: We must have received your payment within 5 days or you might lose your spot!

You will receive an email from us when we have registered your payment.
The payments are registered manually, so it might take a few days before your registration changes status to “paid”.

Your purchase is final once we have received your payment. You can read about our Refund Policy here.

Thank you for registering to our courses and see you in class!


Payment Reminder Email

Payment Reminder
You have previously received Confirmation emails for the following class(es):

We have not received the full payment for your registration. Your registration won’t be valid until you we receive your payment.

The total price for your confirmed bookings is: [total_price]
We are currently missing the following amount from you: [price_difference]

We must receive the missing payment ASAP or you risk losing your spot.
If you want to cancel your registration to one or more of the classes you have registered to, please let us know in a reply to this email.

Please transfer the outstanding amount to our bank: [bank_account]
Important: Please make sure to add the following variable symbol: [vs_symbol]]

You will receive an email from us when we have registered your payment.
Your purchase is final once we have received your payment. You can read about our Refund Policy here.

Thank you for registering to our courses and see you in class!


Payment Confirmation Email

Payment received
We have just registered a payment from you for courses in [wave_title].

With the newest payment, you have now paid a total of: [already_paid].
The total amount you must pay for your courses in this round: [total_price].
Amount remaining: [price_difference].

Overview of the courses you have registered to in [wave_title]:

If you still have any outstaying payments, please transfer the missing amount ASAP to confirm your spots.
Our bank info: [bank_account]
Important: Please make sure to add the following variable symbol: [vs_symbol]]

In case any of the mentioned information is incorrect, please, get in touch with us by replying to this email.

Thank you for registering to our courses and see you in class!


GDPR Email

Hi there,

Here is the data we currently store about you:


Please contact us if you want us to delete the data.



There are dozens of email tags at your disposal, not all of them were used in the examples above. Depending on your flow, you may or may not use some of the automated emails. Please, make sure to run a test registration yourself to see the flow from student’s perspective – it will help you tailor the messages and catch mistakes.

Learn more about each available email template here.